ABYC Looks for #GivingTuesday Donations

The American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) has joined #GivingTuesday, which is held annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving to kick-off the holiday giving season. The ABYC Foundation is once again partnering with BRP Evinrude to give outboard engines to organizations in need. Upon necessary financial support, the nonprofit organization West & Rhode Riverkeeper, Inc. will receive the outboard for their official patrol boat. The sole purpose of the Maryland-based nonprofit is to protect the West and Rhode Rivers and keep enjoyable for fishing, swimming and boating.

Jeff Holland, executive director of the Riverkeeper program, said that last year they were donated an 18-foot center console but the outboard is beyond repair. The boat was used by a corps of citizen-scientist volunteers who use that boat to monitor water quality at 28 sites around the rivers every week.

“A new engine will make all the difference for our small organization to get us back out on the water in the spring and for many seasons to come and keep our momentum going in our efforts to make the rivers safe for recreation,” said Holland. “The data gathered out on the boat helps to identify problems like stormwater runoff pollution or bacterial outbreaks that can harm children and dogs swimming in the creeks.”

#GivingTuesday is part of the ABYC Foundation’s end of year campaign. Throughout December ABYC will also seek donations for classroom curriculum development for marine tech schools in need and Spanish translated study guides, opening up workforce development opportunities.

To learn more and donate visit www.abycinc.org/foundation.