Century Club: Jonathan Nepini

Thursday, May 9, 2024
Number of days:
1 day
  • Powered way up going upwind
  • She floats pretty well sideways all things considered

After missing last week I was itching to get the boat out, and brought along a new crew member who sails on Dangerous. Unfortunately, once we got out there conditions were far bigger than expected, with breeze in the high teens gusting to low 20s. We put a spin up for practice and the boat immediately jumped on plane and jumped to 10kts. Unfortunately, despite being fast it was almost totally unmanageable on both the trim side and for me at the helm, and we quickly stowed it. We started the race under a partially furled headsail, but suffered in pointing ability and ended up rolling it out fully and I kept the boat on her feet (barely) by playing the main in the puffs. Got to the top mark, rounded, and went for a fast wing-on-wing ride downhill. Spun the boat up for the second leg, suffered about 2/3 of the way up, and I sheeted in too quick on a tack and capsized. With some fiddling and help from the safety boat we got her upright, I hauled James back in the boat, and we both decided that would be the end of our day. The boat managed it well, which is something I was quite worried about after hearing stories of other Chrysler boats sinking in similar conditions.

A tough one out there for sure, but a good learning experience on how to properly right the boat and what should be treated as the upper limit for sailable conditions on a powerful dinghy in my hands. The boat and crew made it home safely which is what's important. Hoping for better conditions next week.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Number of days:
1 day
  • On the spin run
  • The crew at the finish

A nice two-lap W/L race. I worked foredeck for the first time in a while as our two usual crew were unavailable. Really tight, quality crew work all around, this was probably the best the boat has run this season. Great to have regular crew who are getting up to speed and helping run the boat to her potential. Nice conditions and a pretty ideal evening on the water.


Thursday, May 2, 2024
Number of days:
1 day
  • Celebrating Brian's memory

Got together with my good friends from the Barba Roja to remember our friend and crewmate Brian who we lost last year. We gave him the sendoff he deserved, and celebrated his memory with a great cookout afterwards, just like he would've wanted.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Number of days:
1 day
  • A great start
  • Tonight's crew

SMSA Wednesday Night Race A-4. Better-than-forecasted conditions for some W/L racing on a perfect evening. We had a full boat with 7 onboard, and I helped out and advised on tactics a bit. We nailed the start and had a great upwind leg. The first downwind went pretty well, but we made a couple iffy last-minute calls and botched the douse, resulting in overstanding the mark quite a lot. Got our act together and got going again, but not enough to save the race. 6/7 for the evening. Good problem solving from some of our newer crew, and a good learning expereince for everyone to work through recovering when things go wrong. Hoping to do better next week.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Number of days:
1 day
  • Today's route

I thought about taking the boat out, but I was pretty tired and conditions were decidedly sporty so I settled for a quick after-work paddle off Forest Landing. The back of the creek was totally choked out with underwater grasses, and it was a challenge to get out to clear water. Once I did I was greeted with favorable conditions and pretty scenery for a ride up to Clarke's Landing and back. Days like today are exactly why I get value from Century Club, it's a great motivator when I'm tired or otherwise not really feeling it.

Monday, April 29, 2024
Number of days:
1 day
  • Today's route

The informal Monday night paddles are back for the season, and we had great conditions for tonight, with just a light breeze and very warm temps. Paddled at a leisurely pace from the wharf to the winery, and after a couple of our group stopped off we set a quicker pace on the way back. Met some new folks and some I hadn't seen since last year. The on-the-water season is truly in full swing now.

Sunday, April 28, 2024
Number of days:
1 day
  • Today's route

After a longer-than-anticipated boat project (aren't they all?) I got a burr and decided to take advantage of the ideal conditions and take my boat out singlehanded. After a messy departure from the dock and dodging powerboats in the narrows, I got out on the river and headed up towards the bridge. After starting out with just a main up, I got brave on the downwind and deployed the jib. I sailed gybe angles all the way up to Clarke's Landing, where I found light conditions and decided to head back before I got stranded. I played the main to keep the boat on her feet for the whole ride back, as I'm a little light to hold her down in anything but fairly light conditions. Found a little more breeze than I could manage down at the end of the island, and rolled up the jib (or at least the half of it that would roll up, add that to the maintenance list...) to regain balance. Swung by Harbor Island to say hi to a friend who's working on his boat and headed home. 

A great proof of concept to prove that I can comfortably singlehand the boat in moderate conditions, and a great way to enjoy the spectacular weather. Hoping to go for many more day sails this season in addition to my racing.

Saturday, April 27, 2024
Number of days:
1 day
  • In the pre-start

Out on Dangerous today for the SMSA Double-Handed Race. Cool, cloudy conditions and moderate wind. Given past expereince with the boat Dewey and I started very conservative with the sailplan, with a #3 and a reefed main. Started well and beat up to PR1. Big sea state to start that settled as we rounded the first mark. We held well with the fleet and kept a strong position for the first two legs. As we rounded the second mark the J/70s launched their asyms and took off, but the angle was a little hot for us to put up the kite. We shook out the reef and still made great speed without the kite. Another reach to the last mark, and a sporty beat to the finish. 3/5 in spin fleet, and a great morning on the water.

Thursday, April 25, 2024
Number of days:
1 day
  • In between races
  • Trucking along upwind

First race of the year on the Spicy Meatball. Conditions were variable today, ranging from 6-14kts. Got a great start to the first race, but made a couple aggressive tactical calls that didn't work out and ended up fouling a competitor. Took my penalty turn and got back in the game for a reasonable finish. Started the second race well and held with the front of the fleet, but on the second upwind leg discovered that the jib halyard tensioner wasn't holding and we had to retire. Had a bit of a sporty landing at the dock and learned my lesson about driving in with sails up. 10/11 today. A tough but rewarding day on the water that showed me that the boat has top-of-fleet speed potential, but also that I have much to learn. Looking forward to getting out every week this summer and building my skills.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Number of days:
1 day
  • The fleet at the windward mark
  • Sailing into the sunset

SMSA Wednesday Night Race A-3. Super flukey wind throughout, and not quite enough to start on time. RC started the first fleet and then had to put the rest of us on AP to give them time to even sail clear of the line. Light conditions prevailed, and we sailed a reasonably tidy upwind leg. The entire fleet stacked up at the upwind mark, and we snuck in the inside and completed a tidy rounding and avoided the giant cluster of boats without issue. Got a spin up before realizing it was too high an angle to carry, and quickly doused again. Couldn't quite keep speed on the downwind leg, and managed a 7/9 finish. Good learning opportunites on new positions for a couple crew, and an enjoyable evening despite the conditions.
