CBTSC Early Bird Cruise and Raft Up

April 30, the CBTSC had their Early Bird Cruise to Mill Creek, with a rendezvous at Cantler’s Riverside Grill.  Due to the cold and rainy weekend many of the 26 sailors decided to drive to Cantler’s, however a few hardy sailors Jeff and Darlene, Tartan 41 Something Special and Tom and Elinor, Bristol 38 Meridian made the trip by boat and rafted up in Mill Creek.

The raft up was not without incident with one crewmember from Meridian falling into the chilly water, other than getting soaking wet he was okay. The dinner at Cantler’s was a hit with fresh crabs, oysters, and clams; everyone seemed to have a good time. There was much discussion of the coming season with boats to be delivered or serviced and of voyages near and far. Tom and Darlene are trying to contain their enthusiasm as their Tartan 43 is still under construction-fingers crossed for a June delivery. Hal and Cindy are headed north to Cape Cod, and Julien and Linda are participating in the ARC DelMarVA Rally at the end of this May.

Next up for CBTSC is the Memorial Day Cruise to the Magothy River. Mike will be leading that event; last year there were over 70 participants, wahoo!

by Paul Macpherson