On September 24, the fleet held its annual Rendezvous in Oxford, MD. The festivities were hosted by Tred Avon Yacht Club members Jim Brodsky and Art Dent. Four boats came from the Western Shore and were joined by two Eastern Shore boats: Orion (David Gantz and Cate Fagan), Liberty Prevails (Eunice Lin), Resilient (Bob Spann and Beth Whitely), Skimmer (Jack and Marti Detweiler), SWMBO (Jim Brodsky) and Frolic (Paul Rohrkemper). Owners of Magic (Jonah Seiger and Bara Vaida), Coupe de Foudre (Dave and Connie Poe), and Escape (Jim Kizziar) also joined in.
The weekend began with a hot and windless motorsail to Oxford and dinner and lively conversation at TAYC’s weekly Ales and Tales. A cold front moved through overnight, and racers woke up to gray skies, cool temperatures, and a strong breeze. (However, these conditions didn’t discourage some members from making a pre-race run to the Oxford Library’s book sale.)
Kizziar and Jonah Seiger served as race committee aboard Kizziar’s Legacy 32. They ran three races using government and drop marks. The first race was a 4.4-mile course, and after the winds got lighter, the second and third races were shortened to 2.2 miles. The cooler temperatures, big wind shifts, and a few large cruising boats anchored close to the reach mark provided challenging conditions for all. Skimmer took first place, with Liberty Prevails taking second and Frolic third.
The evening ended with cocktails, dinner, and awards at the Robert Morris Inn, where members continued to exchange ideas, tips, and experiences. As Fleet Captain Detweiler puts it, “The more we sail these boats, the more we love them and the faster everyone goes.”
The Chesapeake Fleet, which has over 25 members, participates in seven Annapolis one-design regattas. Several boats also regularly PHRF race in Annapolis and Herring Bay. For more information, see chesapeakealerion.org.
~by Eunice Lin