Youth sailor connects past, present, and future of Chesapeake sailing
But before you start throwing around your "arrrghs" and your "avasts," definitely make sure you know what you're doing. Here's a helpful PSA to make sure you don't look like a total...
A paddling excursion or a marsh-adjacent hike in the Chesapeake watershed might offer a glimpse of a furry back. It is likely that of a muskrat, the most common semiaquatic mammal in...
The Chespaeake Bay Maritime Museum hosted its annual Charity Boat Auction for sailors, powerboaters, and curious water lovers Aug 27.
Sailing camp success! Brendan Sailing had its biggest summer camp yet, hosted a professional symposium, and will offer fall programming.
You might think that you need to go on vacation to the Caribbean to see something so beautiful, but you don’t. You can find it here on the Chesapeake.
Delivery skippers visit cool places, meet great people, and have experiences that allow them to learn and grow as a person.
A federally approved No Discharge Zone (NDZ) designation for 13 bodies of water in Anne Arundel County, including Annapolis Harbor, took effect July 1.
As we slog through the hazy, hot, and humid dog days, it’s worth taking a few moments to consider a “cooling plan” for boat and crew.