A great Friday evening sail with a large crew on Barba Roja. We enjoyed beautiful conditions and great camraderie as we relaxed after a hectic week. I had a long chat with another friend I hadn't seen in quite some time, and we all enjoyed the best sunset yet this week. Nice breeze allowed us to sail out towards the Bay and then put up a spinnaker for a long run to the bridge. The beat back down was a little chilly, but all in all a great time was had by all.
Century Club: Jonathan Nepini
We had so much fun on the boat yesterday we decided to do it again today. A little cooler out, but with much more breeze, so we took a shorter course up to the bridge and back. I had a nice time catching up with a friend I hadn't seen in quite a while as well. It never gets old coming out here on the water.
Out for a sunset sail on Barba Roja to enjoy the pleasant temps. We took a leisurely course nearly up to the bridge, and on the way back down the wind dropped out somewhat, leaving us to drift in a spectacular, glassy sunset. This is the first of three sails on the schedule this week, and I'm looking forward to getting out on the water more often as we slowly crawl out of a long winter.
Out for a brisk Saturday morning sail on Barba Roja. We headed up towards the bridge, but got caught in a late morning shift and didn't have quite enough breeze to make it. We enjoyed a lazy downwind sail in front of the boardwalk on the way back down. A great way to kick off the weekend!
Using this entry to log my boat work days for the year.
1. 2/9 - Dangerous: Created pattern for under-cockpit support beam & removed motor & cushions for winter maintenance
A much-needed sunset sail on Barba Roja after a long hiatus due to lots of snow & cold weather. With the puffy conditions and relatively cold weather, we set a full main & the storm jib, and enjoyed a nice lap around the river basin. Hoping for better weather going forward so we can get back out more often.
Out on Barba Roja for our traditional New Year's Day sail. I've been out on the boat every year I've finished Century Club, so I wanted to start the year off right. We decided to go out early, and were met with very breezy and puffy conditions, with gusts above 30. The reefing system on Barba Roja isn't currently set up, so we flew a full main and a storm jib to manage sail area. We sailed across the basin and back, and then conditions backed off a bit and allowed us to beat up to the bridge. We enjoyed a surprisingly sedate downwind run back to the harbor, and Steve expertly docked the boat in decidedly challenging conditions. A beautiful morning for a heavy-air sail and a great start to 2025!
Out for a quick post-Chrismas sail on Barba Roja with several friends. The breeze was sparse, so we took a lap up to the bridge under motor. As we went to turn back into the harbor just a bit of breeze filled in, and we managed to do a couple tacks to make it count as a sail. A great, relaxing evening on the water with good company.
Out for a quick after-work sail on Barba Roja. Calm, glassy conditions, so we decided to just motor around a bit. On and off cloudy conditions all day gave way to one of the most spectacular sunsets I've seen all year. Totally worth the trip even just for the view!
Photos courtesy of Steven Birchfield
Another fun year on the Barba Roja for the holiday lighted boat parade. We had a good crowd and great decorations courtesy of the SMSA high school sailing team. There were lots of great entries this year, including a few friends from the club. Steve decided to reprise our party trick from last year and hoist the old Mylar spinnaker to light up for a run along the river. The forecast suggested an easy 9-11kts down the boardwalk, but instead we got 14-18. We pushed through, but with no other sails up the boat loaded up immediately and we had quite the time getting the sail up and keeping her under control. Once we got it hoisted we took a very fast run down the boardwalk, and quickly doused before things got out of hand. Maybe not our smartest idea, but it certainly did make for a fun party trick and put on a great show for the folks on shore. A fun part of my holiday traditions.