J80 night!
Century Club: Ashley Love
Cancelled. But we still went out there.
Gorgeous day for flags flying, Pride of Baltimore, parading around town, canons firing!
Last race of series one and it was a doosey!
We had a phenomenal practice with 6 of the 7 women we'll be racing with at the Herrington Harbor Women's Regatta on June 11th down in Herrington Harbor North. We all got on the boat with only the bow and skipper roles decided and fluidly firmed up the rest of the roles on the boat. Phrases like "I will do any position needed" and "we DEFINITELY want Claire on the main" we passed around and everything just fell into place effortlessly. Having none of the owners on board, we had to think about every thing and when a question arose like "how do we fold the prop?" "what's the tuning guide for a J105?", etc., some one (different each time) took it upon themselves to take it on. Someone knew how to do each thing and it will be added to their role on the boat to make sure those things happen. Also fantastic over hearing things amongst the team like "I'm so stoked to finally get to sail with you!" and "Oh, I can pull on the vang during the jybes in light air to help that top batton pop" and "on the J105 I race on, the traveler is set up this way, which could probably solve that" just melted me. Rock star sailors sorting it out to be a cohesive team in seconds FLAT.
Not to mention the whole delivery there and back thing!! Logistics. WEE!
Every time I go out to spar on these boats, I feel like I double my match racing knowledge!! That might be because I have very little, but even still! I did I a lot as a crew, but driving is another experience entirely. It's like driving without your gps so you are forced to pay so much more attention, make decisions on the fly and pay so much more attention. That's the LAST TIME, I'll tell a story about my day in the middle of a prestart (doh!!)
Boats 1,2,3,9,10,11 were our instruments for orchestrating drills, combinations and full-on sparring with the women's team going to the Thayer and a collection of extremely talented coed team racing experts to get everyone to their next level!
Bruce's birthday! I had posted on our Facebook page a lot of photos of him at work and asked people to shout out to him on the water. SO MANY people did! That was fun. The cheesecake vs. cupcake choice was easy for him!