Took up an invite from Tom P to sail on his IOD. We ran a few practice races with five IOD"s on the water. A perfect day with ten knots from the south and close to 60 degF!
Century Club: John Zseleczky
This is the last day for "Old Blue" this season. Took the boat out for a spin to warm up the oil before draining. Another motor boat trip to Whitehall and back.
Went for a motoring ride out to Whitehall Bay and back in order to get some photos of the old Atomic 4 starting up and running happily. "Old Blue" is getting an engine transplant so the photos may be useful in finding a new home for the A4.
Not much of an outing but it did get me out on the water.
Went for a last overnighter on Steve C's boat which has a diesel heater. Light air but a pretty day so we drifted down to Harness Creek off of the South River. Huge manly meals as always and a nice way to end up the cruising season.
Any excuse to go for a boat ride. The excuse this time was to warm up the oil in order to drain it. In preparation for winter I had hosed down the foot of the jib to get the salt off and used the boat ride to air it out. Motored out to Whitehall Bay and back. Chilly and breezy but a nice day.
Went for a daysail with Steve C and friend Scott on Steve's Tartan 4100. The main purpose being lunch but also a nice easy blue sky sailing day.
Planning to re-engine so wanted to take some videos of my faithful Atomic Four underway to show potential buyers. This was just a short motorboat ride out to Whitehall Bay but another day on the water anyway.
Son Pete came up from NC to join me for our last CHESSS race of the season and a few days on "Old Blue". Had a light air run down toward W. River and eventually had to motor for a rendezvous with the CHESSS gang. The wind was still super light the next day for the race but we managed to get off and going around the buoys with Pete and I trading the helm back and forth to the person on the low side. We came in second, which was a happy surprise.
After the finish we tried to sail to Bloody Point with Wye River as the target destination but the wind kept getting lighter and we ended up aborting and heading back to W. River. The nights were cold but we had a full moon each night and a very memorable mini-cruise.
Sailed down to Annapolis Harbor for a preview of the Sailboat Show. There were an incredible number of big boats in the outer anchorage and of course lots of huge catamarans in the Boat Show docks. It's really nice to be able to singlehand a nimble boat through the harbor.
Colt and Barbara came out for a sail with me on another gorgeous blue sky day with 72 degF temp and 10 kts N wind. We sailed through all of the moored boats in town for the Boat Show and then a little into the harbor, then out and about in the Bay. What a pretty day!