Woodwind II is a glorious 2-masted schooner, and my sister and I had a great time in 10-12 knots of breeze. The skipper had the crew of 3 raise the main within about 100 yards of leavimg the dock, and once it was up, cut the engine and we were sailing. Got the rest of the jibs, staysails, and fishermen up and the boat really took off. Had a turn at the helm once we were out in the bay, and boy was she responsive and easy to steer. Avoided the RC for a laser race, and then got to go through the tail end of a race by the Navy 44's with their spinnakers up. A lovely afternoon it was to be out, and made it about to mid-bay before we had to turn back, so the boat could be back by the end of the 2 hour scheduled cruise. Beautiful!