Five pm looked nasty at Marine Max. We were shielded by the three giant SeaLift vessels docked on Clinton Street, but we could see it was blowing 15-20, puffs to 22 out at Key Bridge. This is not exactly BOXCAR's sweet spot and the periodic rain did help encourage us to trudge off into the river. Should I stay or should I go?
Well, we were being shamed as all the other sailboats at the dock fired up their engines and untied. We decided we should at least go out and take a look. And as our astute bowman said, "if we take a look, we're going to race."
And we did. Dillydallying around the dock for so long made us about a minute late for the start. Plus it was too windy to hear a signal from the RC boat, so we never really had clue as to where we were in the sequence.
But all-in-all? It turned out to be a really nice night. The breeze stuck to the 8 - 15 kn range for most of the evening and I think the most we ever saw was 18. We didn't score well, but it was great to be racing instead of sitting at the dock with rain dripping off our baseball caps.
And the O's won!