Trip dates:
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Trip length:
1 day
Type of watercraft:
Third race of the 2nd series for the Round Bay Sailing Association. We had 10-15 mph winds from the West, which was not from that usual a direction and was pleasantly robust for mid-June. And it was only 80 degrees, with no rain! We luckily had 4 in the boat, my usual crew plus my brother who was visiting from MN. With gusts well about 15, it was great to have the fourth body on the upwind legs. We went from B to E to B to E and finished at B. Our spin runs actually went fairly well; we were not overpowered at all. We only ended up 12th out of 19 starters since the higher wind hit the sweet spots for the bigger boats in the fleet. But had a wonderful night!