Cancelation blues

Trip dates: 
Saturday, October 1, 2022
Trip length: 
1 day
Type of watercraft: 
  • really powerful winds cancel sailboat at 11
  • pretty high tide though
  • there's something very large and angry in there

We pulled the plug on the Race to Rock Hall.  Fx was just too dicey and AYC, TAYC, HdGYC and CYC had all canceled their weekend events.  So I get to PSA about 30 minutes past when our first warning gun would have gone off...and of course it was blowing a mere 12 kn and not raining.  I jumped into a kayak paddled out to the mouth of Black Hole Creek to see if it was really blowing in the river. It wasn't.

While zenning-out back in a recess in the creek, I was just a few feet off the tall grass, just listening to the waves lap up on shore and I guess my resting there too long made some sort of very large mammal nervous.  Suddenly, just a few fet away but obscured my the foliage, something got up and crashed through the undergrowth. I mean large. I expected a water buffalo or huge moose to come charging out to swamp the kayak and stomp me into the mud. But it was probably just a large buck who got pissed off I disturbed his nap.