Charleston Cruise - Day 10

Trip dates: 
Monday, April 10, 2023
Trip length: 
1 day
Type of watercraft: 

At last, the nasty weather is over. After a bacon and eggs breakfast aboard Mystic, we departed Beaufort just before 9 am for a 57 nm journey to our next destination. Sunny with a morning temperature of 45 degrees and a high of 60 degrees. Winds were typically 15 knots from the northeast. That's back to shorts weather for me.

No more wide open bays and rivers separated by canals. This is the true ICW with a well marked channel. After crossing the Newport River in Beaufort, we crossed two minor rivers associated with the White Oak River Inlet and the New River Inlet. Although the path of the ICW turned slightly inward, we could still see the surf of the inlets over low points in the dunes. These are not considered ICW accessible inlets. However, the current in the ICW was influenced by these inlets. Depending on the tide state, the maximum current occurred as you approached and left the inlets but in opposite directions. The least current was experienced mid-way between the inlets. We had five or six changes in current during our journey. Up to 1.5 knots of current in each case.

There was lots of pretty scenery and wildlife along the way, Pelicans, dolphins, sand dunes and waterfront homes. We motored sailed the whole way with reefed jib. A full jib would have blocked forward visibility. Maybe with tomorrow's lesser wind we'll set the mainsail. We did have a 25 minute delay at a swing bridge. Arrival time was 6 pm. Our anchorage in Topsail was scenic and sheltered with minimal current.

Anchorage: Topsail Sound

Distance today: 57 nm

Total to date: 403 nm