Charleston Cruise - Day 15-17

Trip dates: 
Saturday, April 15, 2023 to Monday, April 17, 2023
Trip length: 
3 days
Type of watercraft: 

We are back on the road. Louise was discharged from the hospital on Sunday and we had dinner out. She insisted that we continue on our cruise as originally planned and convinced us she was well enough for us to proceed. However prior to the knowledge of this fortunate outcome, I could not be sure how long we would remain in Charleston so Keith Kersey took the opportunity to return to Annapolis with Kris.

Keith Kersey did help out with some routine maintenance such as an engine oil and filter change.  The transmission oil change was due as well. I discovered that the transmission oil level was woefully low due to a slow leak, another disaster diverted.

After fuel and pump out we departed around 9:30 am for an eight hour trip to South Santeria River.  The weather was great and the wind direction and wind speed were perfect for motor sailing with a fully deployed jib.  The tide was very low so we did ground a couple of times.

Anchorage: South Santee River

Distance today: 45 nm

Total distance: 629 nm