Charleston Cruise - Day 20

Trip dates: 
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Trip length: 
1 day
Type of watercraft: 

Sunny with a departure temperature of 60 degrees and a high of 80 degrees. Southerly breeze building to 15 knots in the Cape Fear River. The ride to Southport was mostly narrow waterways. After a half hour stop fuel stop in Southport we entered the Cape Fear River and were hammered by a four knot ebb tide slowing our boat over ground speed to 2 knots. With 9 miles to go up the river we set full main and jib, kept our engine speed at a 6 knot cruising speed but with the sail assist managed 7.5 knots through the water. We also dodge the worst of the current by staying out of the channel and in shallow water. We were back on the ICW two hours later. Our day was topped off by dinner ashore at the South Beach Grill in Wrightsville Beach.

Anchorage: Wrightsville Beach Harbor

Distance today: 54 nm

Distance to date: 763 nm