Feb 17 - breezy paddle

Trip dates: 
Monday, February 17, 2025
Trip length: 
1 day
Type of watercraft: 
  • old alum mine remnants
  • needs a bit of work...

Look, OK there was a 57 kn puff at Gibson Island earlier, but by the time I put the kayak in, the closest data buoys were showing nothing above 30 and 33 (TPML and FSKM).  So I wasn't worried about it. If you see a big puff barreling down the creek, put the nose into it and honker down to lower the center of gravity and reduce windage. You can ride out anything up to 35 that way, easily.  45-50?  I don't know. Never tried it in a kayak.

One thing I do know: with all the north wind bowing most of the water out of the Northern Bay and Blackhole Creek, it was pretty easy to stay in water less than knee-cap deep. I mean, it was shallow. So shallow I repeatedly ran aground in the kayak. Beaches I land on, in normal times, where I can step onto dry sand, I couldn't get within 60 feet.  I could've almost walked to Blackhole #3.

The remains of the alum mine were quite visable in the clear, late winter shallows.

RAINBOW was ridiculously aground. I got a great view of how bad it needs a bottom job. Really bad.