Fireworks travels - July 3 - 5

Trip dates: 
Monday, July 3, 2023 to Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Trip length: 
3 days
Type of watercraft: 

The daughter decided that she wanted to see multiple fireworks - so we decided Rock Hall on the 3rd and Chestertown on the 4th. Headed out early - 9am on the 3rd for Swan Creek. Sunny 78 - 86 degrees. Winds were out of the south - so we motored down to Kent Island and when we made the turn towards love point, we raised the sail - although everything died soon thereafter.  Arrived in Swan Creek about 3PM and picked up a mooring ball at Haven Harbour. Family joined us - dinghied in to get them - and we headed out after dinner to watch the fireworks from around the mouth of Swan Creek ... MISTAKE!!  By the time we got out there - the wind was really kicking up - probably 2 to 3 foot swells.  Got the anchor down and secure in about 10 feet of water.... watched the fireworks and then had a hell of a time getting that anchor back up!  Finally got it up, mototored back to our mooring ball - took the family back to the dock and finally got to sleep about 1 am.

The next morning - the 4th - up early - left Swan Creek about 9:30 with a temperature of 78 and barometer at 29.8.  Winds were light out of the west - but several storms came up - and we took advantage of the aftermath of the storms to raise the sails for a whil, before things dropped off again. Made Chestertown by 4 - and anchored near the cable crossing.  Evidently, a catamaran took offense to us anchoring too close and pulled up and moved down a bit- yelling at us that we were too close (I left three boat lengths between us!).  I was ticketed to see all of the small boats anchoring right next to them for the fireworks - especially happy that some were setting off fireworks in their direction!! Fireworks were wonderful (again, used dinghy to pick up family and ferry them back) 

The morning of the 5th, we pulled anchor at 9 am for the journey back to the marina.  Winds were almost non-existentent for the entire journey - but we did manage to get the sails up right past conquest beach. Warm day - 78 - 86,  Got back to slip a little after noon!  Fun fireworks journey!