As a full-fledged geezer, I have difficulty with extreme heat. So it was a daunting challenge: I wanted to kayak but it was pushing 100 degrees and god-only-knows what the "feels like" temperature was. It was going to be me against the Sun. Plus I'm still on the Deer Tick scrip, which warns against any sort of "prolonged Sun exposure."
Yeah well..., what you do is: wear a long-sleeved white shirt, dunk it often in the drink and also dunk the hat. Then, put both on, sopping wet, and let it dribble down into hot parts of the bod. It works. In the breeze, which built all day, I actually felt chilled when clouds blocked the Sun.
Chilling in a breezy shadey spot in the little lagoon on the east side of Cedar Island, I noticed a rather large barge/pusher combo seemingly headed into the creek. I watched in amazement as these guys threaded the narrow, twisty and unforgiving fairway into Blackhole Creek. Major props to the master at the helm...I wonder if the twin outboards provide more manuevrability than a single prop on an inboard. Reckon they would.
Later on, we bailed on sailing with the Tuesday night dinghies. It was gusty and there were T-storms in the area. Turns out the breeze laid down 30 minutes after we decided to put the boat back on the dock and the storms held off for hours.