Memorial Day Terrapin Cruise!

Trip dates: 
Saturday, May 28, 2022 to Monday, May 30, 2022
Trip length: 
3 days
Type of watercraft: 

We splashed Terrapin after a week on land for a quick bottom job.  Just in time for a fun weekend cruise!  Saturday we motored up the bay from Solomons to the West River.  The wind was light and on the nose for most of the day but we managed to sail a bit for the last hour or so.  We joined the Sailing Club of the Chesapeake for their BBQ dinner and got to catch up with Drew and MA on their new trawler.  Sunday motored across the bay through Knapps Narrows to Harris Creek on the Choptank.  The westErin enterance into the narrows is still as sketchy for sailboats and we ran aground right by the red mark.  Thankfully the Towboat man was standing by to coach us on our back off and adjusting our approach.  After that it was a smooth passage.  Harris Creek is a freak anchorage and there is a county public landing where you can tie off your dinghy and walk to Lowe's Wharrf beach bar.  Good to know!  Sunday we motored again towards Solomons (upwind of course!) but we put our sails up at the fuel dock and enjoyed a sporty sail into the Patuxent.  A fun shakedown cruise for this season.