NAS race to Oxford

Trip dates: 
Saturday, September 10, 2022
Trip length: 
1 day
Type of watercraft: 
  • DNA cloud in the process of replication
  • Bare Bones and Patriot VII early on

We were late starting due to the strong ebb flushing us down the bay, e.g., too early for the signal, so we had to bail and come back around the pin to get across the line.  But that put us in an OK spot to get the bow out and go to work against the faster boats in our class,  We stayed high (east) of most of the fleet due to a strong ebb coming out of Eastern Bay and that allowed us to lay all the marks easy while the rest of the fleet got pushed to leeward.  We collected line honors, which was nice, on the shortened course but lost 1st place on corrected time and fell to 2nd.