Saturday was Work Party Day at PSA, when 40 - 50 club members and friends show up to spiff up the premises, pull the moorings in the mooring field and build and replace rotted floating docks.
I spent some time on the water by jumping on both of the docks we were replacing and acting as a "tillerman" on the ride over to the ramp, whereby these heavy water-logged structures are yanked up the boat ramp, dragged uphill to where a 30-foot dumpster is stationed and then chainsaws reduce the wreakage to sizes that will fit into the dumpster.
I called it "Life on the Mississippi" but I really didn't do much except have a pleasant ride over to the ramp, and then stay aboard to keep the things stationed where they wouldn't interfere with floating the brand NEW docks, as they are unleased and crunch down the ramp to splash in the creek.
As always, PSA Work Parties are amazing with the sheer amount of volunteer labour members put in, not to mention the array of talents, knowledge and general DIY industriousness displayed,