Screwpile 2024

Trip dates: 
Friday, July 19, 2024 to Sunday, July 21, 2024
Trip length: 
3 days
Type of watercraft: 
  • Screwpile 2024 PHRF 3 Champions
  • Just Floating Around
  • Red, White, & Blue at the start of Race #6

Screwpile 2024! What a fantastic weekend on the water!

Headed out on Friday into surprisingly big and choppy conditions that made it difficult to reach the start line. We put up the #3 and pounded through it, ready for a great day of racing. Conditions fell off as we got ready to start, and dipped below the range of reasonable power for the small jib right at the start of the first race. We quickly changed down to our #1 and got going. Strange, shifty conditions prevailed for the upwind leg, but we fought through it and gained some ground. Second boat around the weather mark, and a clean set to set us up for a good downwind leg. A couple competitors thought they made a mistake and circled back early, but we kept going and sailed well to a second place finish. RC attempted to start a second race, but the wind fell apart after the first leg and they abandoned after a line of boats got parked at the leeward mark. 

Saturday proved to be the big racing day as predicted. RC ran 3 races in consistent 12-14+ and wave state to match. We pushed the boat hard with a #3 up, and the whole crew was razor sharp all day, even with a couple issues at the starting line and having to protest a competitor. We managed a second and two thirds for the day, placing us at the bottom of a 3-way tie for first.

Sunday was hot, sunny, and flat calm, and we began our day with a raft-up and swim call with many of our competitors as we waited for the breeze to fill in. Thankfully it did after a couple hours, and we were able to get one race in with great, consistent breeze. It was a real nail-biter, but everyone did everything they could and we ran a totally clean, fast race, finishing first in fleet and making our needed victory by 25 seconds. 

In the end, we took home a class win and the Northern Bay Championship for PHRF 3. The racing in our class was super sharp and competitive all weekend, which made it feel that much better to take home the victory. The crew really gave it their all, and together we put in some of the most consistently excellent sailing we've ever done on the boat. It's great to see us succeed with such a young program, and I couldn't be more proud of all the work everyone has put in. I'm excited to see what's in store for us ahead.

All photos are property of their respective owners. Credit to Steven Birchfield, Will Keyworth, and Mark Jump.