September 5th - 5 hour sail to nowhere

Trip dates: 
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Trip length: 
1 day
Type of watercraft: 

Headed out at 10 am under mostly sunny skies, winds 5 - 10 knots out of the NE. Temperature at departure was 68, but it got a bit warmer. Barometer was at 30.38 and steady. Sailed around the top part of the Chester river basin for a while and then headed down the Chester River to the green buoy outside of Eastern Neck Island/Queenstown on a broad reach. We turned and then started beating into the wind for the return journey. Wind started to shift a bit more to the east, so we were able to fly the sails all the way up the Chester and Langford Creek before it died out and we had to turn on the engine just outside the marina. A lovely sail!