Spring has sprung,
The flowers riz,
I wonder where the Ospreys is.
If you are one of those folks who pay attention to migratory foul, you probably know that some species are amazingly consistent in their arrivals and departures. Probably the most punctual species are the ospreys. Here around Annapolis the Osprey arrive just in time for St. Patrick's Day. I look forward to their arrival as a milestone that for me demarcs the beginning of spring.
With the early spring like weather, all week I have been training my binoculars on turkey vultures wheeling over the creek.
Until today when I saw my first Osprey of the year....
But the cherry on the whip cream on the ice cream Sundae, was that I spotted the first Osprey heading out for an absolutely spectacularly great sail. If you need more proof that spring has begun, I was not the only crazy out there.
It was a cloudless 65F day with 10-15 knot winds. The sail started out with a beat out of Whitehall Bay. I then had a quick reach through the harbor, followed by a fast beat down towards Thomas Point Light. The trip home was a delightful surf in small waves and solid breezes. The finale was a pleasant dead downwind to the channel.
And it all ended with an easy time sailing solo into the slip enginelessly.