Herewith a listing of my boat projects for the year. As usual, these tasks take me longer than I expect them to, e.g., removing old NEMA 0183 wires goes quickly but pulling NEMA 2000 cables thru the came conduit with their much larger connectors required a greater level of effort and ingenuity. Other projects like priming and painting a saildrive takes days because of the time required for curing before addtional coats are applied. Weather isn't always cooperative either. "Boatyard" time much like "Island Time" but less relaxing.
Engine and Transmission oil change plus fuell filters
Prime and paint Volvo Penta sail drive
Install removable sail drive anode kit; change anodes
Upgraded to a "single line" reefing system
Installed new backstay cascade and made soft shackles for attachment
Install new Garmin log transducer
Installed Triton II Display