Okay, so the start was did not go as planned. We had planned to go right almost immediately off the line with the goal of getting to better winds, and less current. Instead we were in the second row, stuck on straboard, pinned to the left of a major gaggle of other boats. But eventually we found a lane to tack that did not require taking the transom of a half dozen boats.
That was a good call as we made out getting lifted and powered up near Bembe Beach and rounded as the second or third boat. Cool! It was a pleasant cliose reach to the next mark. Not our best, not our worst. tacked inshore as soon as we could and that paid off big time. Nailed it. Putting us back on the tail of the first boat around.
The trip back toward town was a sleigh ride. I only widh we could have planned in the bigger gusts like the lighter boats were doing. The trip through the harbor was a good one giving us one of our best finishes of the summer.