A wonderful Wednesday Night Race

Trip dates: 
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Trip length: 
1 day
Type of watercraft: 
  • 'Starbird' in the AYC WNR 5-8-2024

Last night was a great night to go racing. (That's me looking windblown and dumbfounded under the boom. Not a great look for a tactician) Before the race it looked like it would go flat and we would go home, but the breeze held and the racing was super.

I was on Frank Martien's Tartan 101, "Starbird" once again. We nailed the start and had a super first leg rounding the first mark in second place. (maybe first on corrected time). The spinnaker leg started really rough with the spinnaker raised through the lifelines....Don't-cha really just hate when that happens.

Fortunately, the crew did a great job of recovery, quicky running the lazy sheet from the other side of the boat through a proper lead and getting us going again.

The good news is that our finishing places are trending in the right direction. The really good news is that it was a lovely night to go racing or just simply to be out on the water.

(Note to self- drink more water) (Other note to self, I am almost at a third of a Century!)