Yet Another AYC WNR'ing race to nowhere

Trip dates: 
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Trip length: 
1 day
Type of watercraft: 

As we rigged the boat, in our inner voices, we knew the winds might drop and the race would be abandoned. But within the collective voices of the online weather predictors there was no conscensus on that. So, with guarded optimism we rigged Starbird and headed for the start.

I was calling the start. Usually my starts are a little on the conservative side, but this time we had set up so perfectly, that I cut it closer than I normally would have. It was a perfect start, except that reportedly about a foot of our bow was over the line. Bummer. 

We circled back and began to play catch up. Slowly and steadily we caught the fleet and began to stretch out. Then someone turned the wind machine off, and the race was abandoned and with the 2024 Wednesday Night Race series ended.

It was a lovely night on the water and I was home before the rain started later that evening.