The Corinthians Association Chesapeake Bay Shakedown Cruise to Waterhole Cove
If the purpose of a shakedown cruise is to checkout the boat and make sure it’s ready for the season and to tune up your sailing skills after a winter off, while sharing good times with friends new and old, then this year’s The Corinthians Association Chesapeake Bay Fleet shakedown cruise delivered on all counts.

Boats coming from Annapolis, Galesville, and Oxford, MD, rendezvoused in the early afternoon of May 11 in Waterhole Cove, about three miles up Harris Creek. After settling in at anchor, we dinghied into the nearby public dock and walked to Lowe’s Wharf Inn and Marina. There we sat and talked while sipping our drinks, listening to the band, and just enjoying the afternoon. As we headed back to our boats, clouds started to move in, and the temperature dropped. Perfect timing for wrapping up the day.
The wind blew most of the night, gusting into the low mid-20s. Our anchoring gear and skills were put to the test and while everyone passed, there were some challenges. In the early morning, our decks got a good wash down as heavy rains came down and tested the water tightness of our hatches and deck fittings. Just in time for morning coffee, the rain stopped, and the sun poked through the clouds. It was time for us to make our way back to our home berths. A great time was had by all as we checked out our onboard systems, tested our gear and tuned up our skills to ready ourselves for the start of what will hopefully be a safe and fun-filled season.
Looking ahead, we will be following the fireworks on the Eastern Shore over the long July 4 weekend. Later in July, some of our members will be heading north to participate in the Corinthians Annual Cruise which starts in Essex, CT, this year and ends in the NW Narragansett Bay. At any of our events, please feel free to stop by and say hello.
For more information about The Corinthians Association, visit See you on the water!
By Bruce Blasnik