For an extensive directory of Cruising Clubs around the Chesapeake Bay, click here.

Sponsored by the Old Point Comfort Yacht Club (OPCYC), the Round the Lights Race is the largest single race on the Southern Bay.
Saturday was a varied day of exploring the Calvert Marine Museum or just crawling about the boats and picking up good ideas for the next project; or ideas on how to finish the curren
On November 8, Back Creek YC (BCYC) members elected its new Officers and Board of Governors for the coming year at the Fleet Reserve Club in Annapolis.
Halloween is a time for adults to act like kids and the Singles on Sailboats (SOS) got into the "spirit" of things on
When Kent Narrows Sail and Power Squadron (KNSPS) member Lauren Monroe isn’t out on t
Here are some of our recent and upcoming events at The Sailing Club, Inc.
