For an extensive directory of Cruising Clubs around the Chesapeake Bay, click here.

"The clink of an anchor-chain, the 'Yo-Ho!' of a well time crew, the flapping of huge sails - I love all these sounds."  Jack London
The Clubs annual lobster feast (with roast beef an option) took place at Wally and Molly Stones house on Crab Creek, on June 20, followed the next morning by a pancake breakfast, cou
The seventh event of the Chesapeake Bristol Club (CBC) 2015 season was the Fireworks and Summer Cruise of the North East Chesapeake
Members of Potomac River Power Squadron took this shot of L'Hermione, a replica of the French frigate that brough
What? Is it December already?
The water has a healing effect, you can't deny it. But it also motivates us and encourages us, gets us to do new things and bring others along.
Reston, VA, residents during the week and Annapolis sailors by weekend, Jake and Nancy Jacobson are active members of the...
