Chesapeake Bristol Club's Early Season Events

Chesapeake Bristol Club season is underway.

The weekend weather report was not looking good for Chesapeake Bristol Club’s (CBC) Opening Lunch on May 19, but what a turnaround! The rain held off, and the sun peeked through the clouds. Lunch was catered by Red, Hot, & Blue Restaurant, and whether sitting inside the clubhouse or on the deck, we had beautiful views of Mill Creek and its surrounds.

As members arrived, rear commodore Brian Wexler distributed CBC’s 50th Anniversary mugs with a newly designed logo to members who pre-ordered. Commodore Randy Gillies opened the meeting with a warm welcome. A social hour provided an opportunity to mix and mingle, reconnect, and engage in satisfying conversations. 

Chesapeake Bristol Club Opening Lunch
Whether sitting inside the clubhouse or on the deck, members had beautiful views of Mill Creek and its surrounds during the Chesapeake Bristol Club Opening Lunch.

Our speaker, Annapolis Harbormaster, Beth Bellis, was accompanied by watch commander Mimi Shapiro. Commodore Randy had asked Harbormaster Bellis to address “what should boaters know that you think they don’t know when visiting Annapolis Harbor?” The question was thoroughly explored and explained aided by a thoughtfully prepared, riveting, and educational presentation followed by a Q&A session.

May 25 to 27 CBC members participated in the annual Wye Island Inter-Club Rendezvous Memorial Day Weekend, organized by Eastport Yacht Club (EYC). It was a fun and adventure-filled weekend with music, songs, and other activities. Saturday’s icebreaker was themed Sailing the Seven Seas. Eleven groups of sailors interpreted notable voyages through song, poem, or other expression. All of the presentations were clever, funny, and attention grabbers. Each received audience applause, definitely broke the ice, and created and encouraged camaraderie throughout the weekend. Sunday’s activities included the O-Limp-ic games and Silly Boat Inspection contest with 30 participating boats.

Bristol sailboats on the Chesapeake Bay is the club’s heritage, and building our Bristol fleet continues to be a club goal; however, membership is open to all who enjoy sailing. The CBC is a social and sailing club with no clubhouse, a year-round calendar of events, and minimal cost of membership.

To be a member you don’t have to own a Bristol (or any boat). Cruise to to join, inquire, or RSVP to any event this year. Use the email link on the “Joining” page to reach membership director, Rebecca Burka.

by Marty Suydam

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