Pentagon Sailing Club: On a Voyage of Discovery

Come aboard and join the Pentagon Sailing Club

As we set sail into a new season with the Pentagon Sailing Club, we look forward to a wealth of adventures, from leisurely cruises along the coast to exhilarating regattas that test our skills and spirit of camaraderie. But it’s not just about the thrill of the open water; it’s about the connections we forge and the memories we create along the way. 

Pentagon Sailing Club social sail
Pentagon Sailing Club offers social sails, racing, and American Sailing Association-certified classes for top-notch instruction and internationally recognized certification.

Our commitment to nurturing talent and fostering growth is at the heart of everything we do. Whether you’re learning the ropes for the first time or seeking to refine your sailing techniques, our dedicated team of instructors is here to guide you every step of the way. Plus, we’re proud to be the largest supplier of skippers to the Naval Academy sailing program, ensuring that our expertise is recognized and valued at the highest levels. 

In addition to our dedication to training excellence, we’re thrilled to offer ASA (American Sailing Association) classes, providing you with top-notch instruction and internationally recognized certification. At the heart of our club lies a dedication to excellence in racing, showcased by our renowned racing squadron. Our squadron is a force to be reckoned with on the water, consistently competing at the highest levels and bringing home victory after victory. 

This year, we’re delighted to announce an extraordinary sailing trip to Greece, an experience of a lifetime! Beyond the sailboat, the Pentagon Sailing Club is a tight-knit community where friendships flourish and laughter echoes through the clubhouse. From lively social gatherings to impromptu beachside bonfires, there’s always something happening to bring members together and celebrate our shared love of the sea.

So, come aboard and join us on this voyage of discovery! Whether you seek adventure, camaraderie, or simply a moment of serenity amidst the chaos of the world, you’ll find it here with the Pentagon Sailing Club. Learn more at

By Ross Rosiak