Clean as in 'clean regatta,' that is.
Organizers at the Storm Trysail Club, which took over management of Quantum Key West Race Week last year, will implement several measures at this year’s regatta with the goal of achieving “Bronze Level” Clean Regattas certification.
Bill Canfield, site manager for the event, has implemented plans to control garbage collection and ensure it is shipped to disposal facilities that specialize in manufacturing reusable products. All volunteers and race committee personnel will be asked to use refillable water containers in order to reduce the amount of plastic bottles being thrown away. Captains of the various vessels being used on the race courses will be extremely careful to avoid oil and gasoline spills.
Sailors for the Sea is a leading conservation organization that engages, educates, inspires and activates the sailing and boating community toward healing the ocean. In 2015, 38,000 sailors participated in the Clean Regattas program at 189 regattas in 14 different countries. Of those events, 75 were international and the other 114 events were run in 20 different states. Since the programs start in 2006, over 800 events have used the Clean Regattas program to reduce their environmental footprint.
Sailors for the Sea has compiled a Clean Regattas Checklist of 25 best practices toward reaching new heights on the sustainability ladder. Regattas earn Gold, Silver and Bronze level certification from the organization based off a 75-point system. Albritton will be attending Quantum Key West Race Week 2016 to help organizers incorporate more items on the checklist in future years