Here's your update on Maryland bowriding legislation and how you can act.: Senate Bill (SB) 1147 has been given a hearing. Scheduled for the 23rd at 1pm in EHEA (Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee). There is an amendment that covers sailing, docking etc.
The Marine Trades Association of Maryland has submiteed a letter opposing the Bill. As the amendment is not part of the public record until the hearing, our letter opposes the bill as written.
Should you wish to testify, here are the guidelines for testimony:
Witnesses must sign-up in person by 12 noon on the day the bill is scheduled to be heard in the Committee. Witness sign-up is available by 9 a.m. the morning of the scheduled hearing. Touch screen witness sign-up monitors are mounted on walls to the left as you enter the foyer area of the Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee, located at 2W, Miller Senate Office Building, 11 Bladen Street, Annapolis, MD. Witnesses should bring 25 copies of their written testimony to the Committee offices by 12:00 Noon on the day the bill is scheduled to be heard in the Committee. A copy of that testimony will be included in the bill file folder distributed to each Committee member for the hearing. Electronic testimony – facsimile or email – is not accepted.
If you would like to submit written testimony, MTAM can copy and submit to the committee on Thursday.Please send a PDF of your letter to Susan Zellers by end of day Tuesday.
Susan Zellers, Executive Director Marine Trades Association of Maryland
PO Box 3148, Annapolis, MD 21403
410-269-0741 Office
410-562-2796 Mobile