Boat work day - new fabrication

Trip dates: 
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Trip length: 
1 day
Type of watercraft: 
  • this is "before," need to snap an "after"

Spent a whole day at the club, did some fiberglass repair and made a new plywood cover for the daggerboard slot. The old one had delaminated to the point of being complete garbage.  Good riddance.

Then an hour or two diving into the Oar House to inventory the RC gear for PSA's Moonlight Race on Saturday.  As PRO for the race, gotta make sure all is fit and fiddle.  As luck would have it, I had all 20-something flags out on the lawn and then the landscaping people showed up to cut the lawn. 

Then a Board meeting for the club. It was a long day and I'm taking it as a CC Log day: boat work, race planning and club matters.  I'd rather be sailing.