Thurs Evening small boats at PSA

Trip dates: 
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Trip length: 
1 day
Type of watercraft: 
  • four FS out for the evening
  • jury rigged tiller ext
  • needs some outhaul!
  • deploy paddle now

I was going to sail on one of the Flying Scotts, but was experimenting with getting my Main up on the has been a struggle, but I figured it out.  Simple adjustment of the initial feed.  So once up, I figured, well it's really light and sailing out to watch the Scotts and take a few pix for the website might be a better use of time.  Of course, something had to foul up and it was my complete failure to find my tiller extension which is a vital piece of gear on the i550 because there are times you'd better be hiking hard to weather.  Last night wasn't one of them, I think the most we saw was maybe 6 kn.  But in any case, decided to jury rig an extension by taping a paddle to the tiller. Worked!  Awkward as heck, but functional and in a way, sort of served to act as kind of an autohelm.

In case, pleasant enough sail, despite having to assist with a paddle (repurposed from the tiller) for the last 500 yards into the dock.