#63 OPCYC gathering for Perseid meteor shower Claxton Creek

Trip dates: 
Saturday, August 12, 2023
Trip length: 
1 day
Type of watercraft: 

A hot day with mixed winds sailing north to Claxton Creek. I ran the desiel about 25% of the time to keep reasonable progress. In all 10 boats showed up for the gathering. At 5:00 we all gathered on Navy Lady for a visit and snacks. 

Unfortunately a layer of cirrus moved in just before sunset. While making for some colorful pictures much of the night sky was obscured. I originally planned to paddle to shore with my camera and super-wide lens in a dry bag to set up on a tripod for some long exposures. However with clouds covering more than half the sky I decided not to make the 1/2 mile paddle in the dark.