Today was definitely a 'You can't get there from here' kind of a sail.
There seemed to be two very different wind systems violently fighting to occupy the same spot at the same time. There was great winds on either side of wherever Synergy happened to be at that moment. But as hard as we tried, were stuck in a no-man's land between the two.
Instead of roaring along in the solid breezes to either side of us,(by us I mean Synergy and I) it was port tack beat- tack-starboard broad reach-jibe-starboard beat- port dead run- back to port beat.
And that was just in a couple hundred feet without altering course.
Not to mention creeping along in less than 3 knots of wind, only to get hit with a 15 knot gust knocking us rail down before going back to almost nothing again.
But there were a lot more boats out sailing than in the weeks prior. I had a chance to have a nice chat with Jose Turcios, who was also out for a day sail. Jose was kind enough to take the attached photo of Synergy at one of the few moments when she was sailing well and with the sails properly adjusted. (I need to get in the habit of having my cellphone in the cockpit to snap photos on these outings.
But no matter what the winds, it was truly a beautiful day to be out on the water....