All hands on deck, + 1 pup
I've never logged a maintenance day before, but I think this one needs to be documented. Jeremy and I drove down to Norfolk to pick up our new-to-us 1997 Corair 28. It was left on its trailer in a field for 10 years and has about 20lbs of rat poison in it... but we couldnt be more thrilled. We pulled into white rocks late Saturday night and toasted a bottle of good wine in the van before falling asleep right there in the van in the yard. Waking up was like christmas morning. We piled out of the van and begun work at dawn. We were soon joined by friend, Mark, and Jeremy's dad, Steve. Jeremy and I measured all othe running rigging, pulled out all 7 sails (pleasantly suprised to find most in working condition), dried out all 12 of the sealed compartments, and vacuumed every lazarette, cubby hole, and shelf. Mark got to sanding off what was left of the bottom paint and Steve greased and lubed all 4 winches. Frank did a wonderful job stupivising and napping. We didnt leave the yard until well after dark. Grabbed some well deserved burritos at El Cabrito on the way home.
After showering off layers of gel coat, rat poison, bilge scum, fiberglass, and yard dust, we got out our computers to order 792ft of line in various gagues and of course fun colors and many yards of sunbrella and bits and bobs. It was way past bedtime when we finally shut down and passed out only to dream of the fun we're going to have on this boat.
PS: If you look hard enough you can spot our stupivisor in 3/4 of these photos.