Esperanza as safety boat for Solo Cove camp cruise

Trip dates: 
Thursday, October 3, 2024 to Friday, October 4, 2024
Trip length: 
2 days
Type of watercraft: 
  • Small craft in Solo Cove

Delivered boat to CBMM in early AM, Hopped ashore in time for 9am staff meeting. Back aboard and cast off about 12:20. Took museum photographer for a short spin to watch departing small craft. Returned him to Navy Point and returned to river to watch what little breeze we had drop to calm. Picked up one small craft for a tow up to mouth of Wye River. Still slow going. Dropped hook in Wye Narrows about 17:30 and rowed ashore in dinghy. Came back aboard just before sunset for dinner. Friday morning weighed anchor about 8:45 as last small craft departed the cove. Not much wind, and it was a southerly, which made for a slow return.