Didn't do any actual sailing (heck, it was snowing!), but worked on one of the DSC cruisers for 4 hours or so. Well, T did most of the work, but R and I helped. It was more up front and personal time with an engine than I've ever had (well, excluding rocket engines...). Changing air (seriously, the old filter was...just...gone...) and oil filters, looking over the belts, pumping out and refilling the oil, greasing up some valves, changing the impeller (salt water as the fluid results in a very different design than LOX...). Corrosion is everywhere salt water touches regularly, so watch your through holes carefully. A good manual is key (if I ever get a boat, it would have to have a more thorough manual, since not knowing if you have the right piece is maddening...). More remains to be done...