A day with temps in the high 60's and North winds from 8-14 proved a great day to introduce someone to sailing. One of my racing crew brought a buddy from Uganda who had just graduated with a Masters from Maryland and his prof over so we could go sailing.
Had a rewarding time showing them how wind power could produce forward motion on a boat, and taught them both how to steer something w a tiller and no brakes.
One problem, though, came when I went out to get the boat ready to sail. The tide was lower than we'd seen in a year, and it was so low the keel would not extend all the way down and allow the boat to float off the lift. Asked two neighbors if they had a block and tackle, and one of them had two 'come alongs instead. Since it was 10:30 in the am and low tide wasn't until 12:30, we used the come along tied to a 4x4 across the coachroof, help up by about eight inches of 2x4's on each side. Was able to raise the keel a half inch, off the bottom of the lift, get out of the boat to reduce weight, and float it out of the slip. The concealing wouldn't release the tension to drop the keel the needed 4 inches, but I was able to slowly lower it by slowly letting out on the dock line I had used to attach the come along to the 4x4. That worked, and the keel slid down and we then piled into the boat to go sailing. Took 6 guys an hour to make it work, but it was a great example of ingenuity and helpful and creative neighbors. Whew!