Dec 8 - quick paddle

Trip dates: 
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Trip length: 
1 day
Type of watercraft: 

Needed to put a charge on RAINBOW's battery, so we launched the plastic kayaks for a leisurely float while the charger did its thing.

Temps were saying 61 on the car's thermo, but it was a bit cooler in the creek.  We soon found out why, encountering some thin brash further back into the east side cove.  Nonetheless, it was pleasant enough.  Breeze was light to non-existent in the backwaters. Water clarity/visibility is a huge plus this time of year.  And the season had sculpted an interesting take on a springing squirrel in drfitwood media close to the sea oats' shoreline.

Hardly seeing any other boats on the water, aside from a club member's sailboat, the solitude of December boating is wonderful.