Jan 15 - Day 1

Trip dates: 
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Trip length: 
1 day
Type of watercraft: 
  • Dead end 1
  • RAINBOW is high and dry
  • snow ballasted
  • Dead end 2

Long lay off, for me. Weather and other Little Disturbances of Mankind.  So this will be a late start to the seaon.

To Do List:  charge battery on RAINBOW; float mock-up of dinghy to get waterline and balance data, Kayak out to the island for lunch if not too cold and windy.

Hit on all three cylinders....well, maybe not the island, but...

Batt up 0.7 volts from prior.  Little dinghy cardboard mock-up performed well...until it became waterlogged. But I can rip it apart and loft the full size patterns with a few minor adjustments. 

Kayaking was very, very limited due to ice.  And not just the crash thru the brash variety, this stuff was thick.  I could've done a 125 yard portage out to open water but I said the heck with it.  Why take chances?  Yesterday I accidently did a back dive into 24 inches of ice cold stream water and it was an uncomfortable schlepp back to the car and the heater. I figure I was already ahead of he game, just by getting a kayak out.

And as Mark Knopfler can validate: staying just Ahead of the Game is important.