Coinjock to Norfolk

Trip dates: 
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Trip length: 
1 day
Type of watercraft: 

We left Coinjock Marina at 6:50 am on 4/5/2020.  We headed north across the Currituck Sound, which was windy and bumpy, but not the worst I have seen this sound.  We made it to the Great Bridge bridge and lock by 12 noon and were back at Cobb's Marina in Norfolk by 3:30 pm.  Although we could have sailed in the Bay, we were already fairly exhausted, so we just motored home.  We covered 59.2 nautical miles today.  

This completed our trip to the Exumas and back.  We were on the boat for 5 1/2 months.  See stats in image attached.