How do you get into SpinSheet?
Climb Aboard.
SpinSheet has succeeded for 30 years because of our loyal advertisers. Whether you are a sailing-related business owner, waterfront event planner, non-profit organization director, or author of sailing adventure books, the only guaranteed method for getting your message into SpinSheet is to place an advertisement. For pricing and details, call (410) 216-9309.
Invite the Crew.
Throw a party, raise money for regional charities, host a regatta, give a sailing seminar, plan a waterfront festival, organize kids’ outdoor activities, invite interesting sailors or maritime historians to speak, host an open house or sailing demo day on the Bay—and then, invite the public. If you host a sailor-friendly activity, we will help you promote it, especially if your event is reasonably priced or free! Send event announcements to our editor.
Win Races... or stand out.
We tend to feature racing stories and photos of those with podium finishes, so terrific ways to get your name and photo into SpinSheet are to sail fast and win often. If you usually finish in the middle or back of the fleet, you can still get into the magazine. Try flying a memorable spinnaker, wearing fun team shirts, and smiling and waving when you see the SpinSheet photo boat on the race course. We favor those who hike hard, smile, and show what a blast racing on the Bay is, regardless of results. Send racing news to our editor.
Brag about a Friend.
Do you know of an active Chesapeake Bay sailor who does exceptional work and deserves recognition? We count on readers to tell us about the fascinating regional sailors who would never brag about themselves. Who do you know who has made a difference through excellence in or dedication to sailing, community service, mentoring young sailors, or Bay conservation? Tell us about remarkable “Bay People” by e-mailing Molly Winans.
Stand Still!
There’s nothing we love more than clear, well-lit, high-resolution photos of sailors having fun on and along the Bay. A few questions to ask yourself before you send a batch of photos: Can you clearly see the faces? Is the horizon level? Would you frame this picture? Does this photo tell a story, or would it make sailors laugh? If your answers are “Yes,” please send photos to Molly Winans.
Talk the Talk.
FIrst of all, be a sailor. All of our writers are active sailors. Many ;rospective contributors offer to pen long feature articles, but few offer to write the shorter clips we need every month. If you have any interest in submitting shorter pieces—up to 400 words with one photo—we welcome pertinent contributions of that size for the magazine and blogs by the first of the month. Email our editor.
Tell Your Tale.
We make an effort to publish as many reader submissions about Chesapeake Bay sailors as we can fit into our limited page space. One-page articles (<800 words with one photo) have the best chance of making it into the magazine in any season. Two-page articles (1200 words with four photos) may take some lead time. We rarely print anything exceeding 1500 words; if your submission comes close to that size, and you are convinced it would be interesting to our readers, we are happy to edit it for you or give you editing tips. Send story ideas to Molly Winans.
Don’t Miss Your Deadline.
Send articles and photos by the first of the month, and call (410) 216-9309 about advertising by the 10th of the month for the following month’s issue.