![BCYC members assembled after dinner at Langford Bay Marina.](http://spinsheet.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/BCYC-400x320.jpg)
Good winds made the trip enjoyable. Friday dinner was at Waterman’s Crab House. The next day was spent in Rock Hall touring and enjoying the Marina pool. That night we savored barbecued chicken and ribs, salads and watermelon. Sunday was again great sailing; most got back before the late afternoon thunderstorms hit.
July 20th we had a Rhode River raft-up, and July 26th Members attended the Musical “She Loves Me,” at the Infinity Theatre in Annapolis, with dinner at the Broadneck Grill beforehand.
August 3-4 we hold our Annual Lobster Fest and morning-after breakfast with Flip, Flop, and Drop at Wally and Molly Stone’s house on Crab Creek off the South River.
A number of new members have joined us and we are still welcoming more with reduced annual fees after July 1. Join us for good events and great sailing either on sail or motor boats (we want boaters who enjoy cruising, and having fun with wonderful people who love being on the water). For membership details click here.