Celebrating its 33rd year Herrington Harbor Sailing Association held its Annual HHSA Banquet on January 25, at Herrington Harbor South Historic YC.
Many thanks to Arne Fliflet, our out-going Commodore, and his wife Debbie for their service this past year. During the banquet a new slate of officers for 2014 was installed, headed by incoming Commodore Beverly Wright. The night was fun for all with dinner and dancing overlooking Herring Bay.
Our Women Underway held a Winter Brunch gathering on January 12 at National Harbor to stay connected during the winter months. Women Underway is our way of encouraging women to get directly involved with sailing.
Upcoming events for February include a social Soup Night, February 8, at the home of Laurie and Dave Albert. Our annual all-day Racing Strategies and Tactics Seminar will be held February 9 at Herrington Harbor South. Another social event is the upcoming Land Cruise on February 22. See the club website at HHSA.org for details on these and other events or to become a member! -by Peter Seckinger