Philadelphia Sailing Club Celebrates Its 35th

pscThe Philadelphia Sailing Club is celebrating its 35th Anniversary with a party on May 17 at the home of Ralph Harris, past commodore.  This party is a combination anniversary, "old salt reunion,", and celebrating present and past commodores. One of the original founders, Bob Holland from Radnor, Pa. will be celebrating with us. The club just returned from sailing in the Spanish Virgin Islands.  The club sails locally on the Chesapeake Bay with weekend and week-long trips.  This year, the club is also sailing on Lake Michigan.

The club also does international trips to the Mediterranean, South Pacific, the Caribbean, and more.  You name it and the club has probably sailed there.  Besides the wonderful sailing adventures, the club also organizes other events.  We have an annual holiday party and of course monthly happy hours.  Our members have made lifelong friends.

If you are interested in attending the 35th anniversary party, send a check for $35. to the attention of D.Pentz, 111 N.Wayne Ave., Wayne, Pa. 19087 to hold your reservation. Tickets at the door are $42. Price includes dinner, dancing and beverages. Wear your favorite island shirt or dress. For more information look on the Philadelphia Sailing Club web site.